Prepare sustainability data thoroughly and implement it effectively
Companies are increasingly under legal pressure to not only disclose their sustainability data but, more importantly, to develop reduction strategies and take concrete measures to reduce emissions and act responsibly along the entire supply chain: socially, economically, and ecologically. Our advanced software solutions facilitate the automated collection and analysis of sustainability data, making it effortless for companies to meet legal reporting obligations.
Everything according to plan for sustainable action
Phase 1: Project Kickoff and Preparation
Before moving on to the integration of our software solutions, GLOBAL FOOTPRINT and GLOBAL COMPLIANCE, thorough preparation is essential. How is your company structured? What does your IT infrastructure look like? What potential obstacles might arise? In what timeframe would implementation be sensible and realistic? Stay calm. We've got it covered! Our experienced project management team takes care of everything, from the initial data requirements to scheduling workshops, adhering to timelines, and managing internal/external communication. We are a reliable process companion.
Boundaries set the framework
Phase 2: Operational and Organizational system Boundaries
A carbon footprint requires a clear definition of the organizational and operational system boundaries to which it relates. The organizational system boundaries describe the unit (consolidation scope) and the tenure on which the carbon footprint is based (Who?). The operational system boundaries describe the emission sources that are considered within the organizational boundaries (What?). Together with you, we determine meaningful system boundaries and provide advice, particularly in the context of corporate reporting. Only after that do we define the final algorithms in our software for your company.
Clear data foundation. Audit-proof accounting
Phase 3: Definition of Interfaces
We enable communication and real-time data exchange between your system and our software, independent of the software used. Whether it's ERP systems (e.g., SAP, Oracle, Sage, ABAS, Microsoft Dynamics), accounting (SAP, DATEV), or BI tools (e.g., LucaNet, DataPine) – we manage the interface integration for you. Neatly integrated, our software calculates and categorizes CO2 emissions from your accounting with just a click of a button. The output? Complete, absolutely reliable, and audit-proof data.
Systems are only as good as their users
Phase 4: Training
The best system cannot be effective if the people using it are not trained in terms of functionality and operation. Even though our software operates fully automated: Every team is specifically trained and educated by us to be well-versed in all functions – be it accounting, CSR department, IT department. In the end, everyone knows which button to press to obtain clean ESG data management (ESG ratings and risk analyses), audit-proof carbon footprints, or the necessary reports from CSRD management and LkSG management.
With us, it runs smoothly
Phase 5: Roll-out
Now it's about the actual technical software implementation. This includes approval from management and quality assurance. With the installation, the software is linked to your systems: Ideally, we perform data migration in the first step in your test system and meticulously check the functioning of all interfaces and business transactions. After successful testing, the transfer to your production system, the Go-Live, and handover to the project team take place. Just to give you a rough idea of the project duration: For a standardized software integration in a mid-sized company, we need approximately one month from Kick-Off to Go-Live.
Project kick-off
& Preparations
Configuration of
System Boundaries
Employee Training
Transfer to Production System
Data Upload and Testing
in the Test System
Pre-configured Database
with Interfaces
Do you want to know how our software works?
Then book a DEMO with us. We would be happy to show you in a live session how easily you can organize your sustainability management in the GLOBAL Suite.
Book a live demo now